Old News

2003/11/01 -- DarkStar 0.2.11!

Another fine release of the DarkStar script pack. Get your fix here. New stuff includes a nickmgr module to replace the terrible keepnick module, support for ratbox ircd's whois_actually (AKA realhost) feature, the ability to automatically create/destroy windows on join/part, a fixed /WALL, improved msg window and operview support, and a bunch of bug fixes. See UPDATES for more details or click the Browse CVS link on the left to get the nitty gritty details. Happy Halloween! :-)

2003/10/26 -- New website!

Yep, we've got a brand new website made using nothing but valid XHTML, CSS, and PHP. It's mostly the same content as the old site but the new design should make it much easier to maintain. It's designed to be totally standards compliant and should even look great in text-only browsers! Anyway... I hope you like it. Please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions that you may have. Oh, and thanks again to keerf for making the original site.

I'm also just about ready with the next DarkStar release in the 0.2 line so keep checking this site for updates. Plans for 0.3 are also in the works so if you have any ideas or requests, now is the time to send them in.

2003/09/15 -- DarkStar 0.2.10, finally

It's been so long since the last release and this felt like a good time, so here ya go. New stuff includes a new module for taking memos, an operview window, auto-response notify, /TLD and $tld(), /ADDTOPIC, /SETTOPIC, and more. A number of bugs have also been fixed. As usual, you can see UPDATES for more details. Enjoy. :-)

2003/02/12 -- DarkStar 0.2.9 released!

Get it here. This release is long overdue but, as a result, has had plenty of testing and should be quite stable. The biggest change over 0.2.8 is the addition of an all new tabkey module based on the tabkey.ce script written by CrazyEddy and distributed with EPIC4. It should be a major improvement over the old module. You can read about it and some of the other changes in the UPDATES file.

2002/09/18 -- DarkStar 0.2.8 has been released

It can be found here. The changes include a new default theme, the renaming of the darkstar theme to astral, a new theme called porphyria, new config and format variables, an improved /SAVE alias, and several bugfixes. As usual the important details can be found in the UPDATES file.

2002/09/18 -- New forums!

Thanks to achemze we now have some DarkStar/EPIC4 forums. Check it out, and don't forget to register ;-). http://forums.phatherb.com/

2002/06/09 -- DarkStar 0.2.7 now available

You can get it here. Highlights include the addition of an interface to modifying completion rules in the tabkey module, some new and renamed config variables, and a bunch of bug fixes. See the new UPDATES file for details.

2002/06/02 -- New mirror site

This website now has an official mirror, hosted by keerf and nuthouse.org. You can visit it by going to darkstar.nuthouse.org.

2002/06/01 -- DarkStar 0.2.6 is now available

It can be found here. See the ChangeLog for details about what's new. Highlights include a new theme/statbar called "echoes", more documentation, a configurable modlist, new config/format variables, and a bunch of bug fixes and behavior changes.

2002.05.22 -- DarkStar 0.2.5 is now available

In honor of the new website (thanks keerf!) I have released DarkStar 0.2.5. You can get it here. See the ChangeLog for details about what's new.

2002/05/22 -- New website is up!

Welcome to the new DarkStar/EPIC4 website. Hopefully it will be easy to navigate. If you have any problems, please mail the webmaster.