IE7 { css2: auto; }


Read the installation instructions first.

To enable IE7, simply include a reference to the relevant IE7 JavaScript library in your HTML/XML document. That’s it.


To enable IE7 for HTML documents, include a link to the IE7 JavaScript library ie7-standard-p.js in your HTML page.

<!-- compliance patch for microsoft browsers -->
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
<script src="/ie7/ie7-standard-p.js" type="text/javascript">

I recommend wrapping the IE7 script in conditional comments. This means that for any browser other than Internet Explorer 5+, the IE7 inclusion will be seen as a comment and it will not be loaded.


To enable IE7 for XML documents, include a link to the IE7 JavaScript library ie7-standard.js. Please note that this library does not have the -p suffix. The suffix identifies files that have been packed using a JavaScript compressor. Unfortunately an Explorer bug means that XML documents treat packed files with the wrong encoding.

You must also add the html namespace prefix to the <script> tag:

<!-- compliance patch for microsoft browsers -->
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
 <html:script src="/ie7/ie7-standard.js" type="text/javascript">

You do not need to declare the html namespace.

Further notes on configuring IE7 can be found here.