TODO: * [channel.dsm] Add shortcut aliases to kickban with specific bantypes - /kbu (kickbanUSER), /kbd (kickbanDOMAIN), etc. * [window.dsm] Dynamic key bindings for swapping windows. * Multi-server operview. * Make NAMES formatting in formats.dsm use /ON NAMES instead of hooking numerics directly. * Incorporate CrazyEddy's CEOP script. * Add some sort of function to return a list of all the channels that you and the specified nick are both joined to. Maybe something like $commonchans() or $sharedchans()? * Add /ALLKICK and /ALLBAN aliases. * Add /PASTE and possibly some sort of "paste mode" where all input would be sent to the current target regardless of it being prefixed by the value of /SET CMDCHARS. * Write a log management module. It should provide basic log management, such as setting up automatic logging for various things (channels, nicks, windows, etc.) as well as log rotation features. * [misc.dsm] Add a server ping command (/SPING). * [memo.dsm] Add the ability to group memos. * [channel.dsm] The REMEMBER_TOPICS feature should also store the nick of the person that set the topic as well as the timestamp for it. * Write a userlist module. * Use the new dcc_activity hook to write a %D workalike with a configurable delay so that it can be used over slower net connections. * Add formats for UltimateIRCd's 615 and 616 numerics (WHOIS) 615 fudd : is using modes +ix + 616 fudd : real hostname * Add support for a random kick msg file. * Rewrite the /JOIN and /LEAVE aliases so that they use the CHANTYPES parameter from the 005 numeric to determine the allowed channel prefixes. * Write a server management module. * Incorporate howl's new /HELP script to prepare for the migration to EPIC5. * Write a more flexible version of STATUS_NOTIFY (%F). * dcc.dsm needs a lot of work. OTHER NOTES/IDEAS: * Honor the DISPLAY variable in format related /ON hooks? * Figure out a way to allow modules to prevent output from /DSET (and /FSET?) from within /ON hooks. * Would some kind of generic caching system be useful? Features like REMEMBER_TOPICS and auto-query could use it instead of each having to handle caching things themselves. End of file.