[This contains all of the updates that have taken place since this file began on 2002/06/08.] DarkStar 0.4.2 (20111019) *** News 2011/09/15 -- Added /WSB (/?) and /WSF aliases Shortcuts to /WINDOW SEARCH_{BACK|FORWARD} commands. *** News 2010/01/26 -- Added /DSET AWAY_LOG_ALWAYS to away module If true, logging will occur regardless of whether you are set as away on the server. This may be temporary until I can add more generic logging support. *** News 2010/01/26 -- Added /RE alias to misc module Sends a response to the last person that send you a private message. *** News 2010/01/22 -- Added /FREE and /HOLD to window module These are shortcuts to /WINDOW HOLD_MODE [ON|OFF] *** News 2010/01/22 -- Added /DSET TABKEY_MSGHIST_SENT_ONLY to tabkey module If true, this will only add nicks to the msg history for outbound private msgs and DCC requests. *** News 2010/01/22 -- Added BlackJac's newnick script from EPIC5 This simulates the automatic nickname-mangling feature of EPIC4. This includes several new /SET vars: set auto_new_nick [on|off|toggle] set auto_new_nick_char [] set auto_new_nick_length [] set auto_new_nick_list [] DarkStar 0.4.1 (20090214) *** News 2009/02/14 -- Removed memo module The memo module has been removed because uh... well, it's just stupid and probably never used by anyone. So yeah. *** News 2009/02/07 -- BlackJac's history script added to core The history script written by BlackJac and distributed with the EPIC5 source code is now included in the DarkStar core scripts and will always be loaded. *** News 2009/02/07 -- HELP/DHELP removed (for now) For the time being, neither the /HELP nor /DHELP commands will be available. The EPIC help files are now best viewed on the the EPIC Help Wiki (http://help.epicsol.org/) and I will probably write a new /DHELP command that will be intended for new users at some future date. *** News 2007/09/21 -- xform functions for latest EPIC5 The latest release of EPIC5 (0.3.5) has removed the following functions as they are now included in the builtins script: encode, decode, urlencode, urldecode, b64encode, b64decode, sedcrypt, sha256. These functions are now included in the DarkStar core scripts. *** News 2007/07/03 -- $igmask(), $igtype(), $rigmask(), $rigtype() Added the above functions to the core scripts. These were all builtin functions that were removed in EPIC5 so I have added the scripted versions from BlackJac's builtins script. DarkStar 0.4.0 (20070420) *** News 2007/03/25 -- formats.dsm 0.6 - LEAVE is now PART The LEAVE format variable has been renamed to PART in order to be consistent with the EPIC5 PART hook. All themes will need to be updated to reflect this change. *** News 2007/03/24 -- Officially moving to EPIC5 I'm finally making the move to EPIC5 as the base for DarkStar. There is still much to be done but this just makes it official. DarkStar 0.3.1 (20050425) *** News 2005/04/20 -- formats.dsm 0.5 - KNOCK formats Formats for the KNOCK feature present on EFNet servers has finally been added. The format variables are: KNOCK, KNOCK_CHANNEL_OPEN, KNOCK_DELIVERED, and KNOCK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED. *** News 2005/04/08 -- New global variable: LEVELS There is a new global variable named LEVELS that will always contain a list of the valid window levels. This will hold a different value depending on whether EPIC4 or EPIC5 is being used. Note: EPIC5 is NOT officially supported yet. Currently only minor changes are being made to support it since I know people will use it even if I tell them not to. *** News 2005/04/07 -- tabkey.dsm 1.0 - Esc-Tab key binding A key binding for Esc-Tab (^[^I) has been added to the tabkey module that, when pressed, will attempt completion of the current input line with backward match cycling enabled. Due to this change, the Esc-Tab key binding has been removed from the window module and the TABKEY_CYCLE_MATCHES config variable has been removed. *** News 2005/03/29 -- No more /SET REVERSE_STATUS_LINE in themes The REVERSE_STATUS_LINE set has been removed from all themes and is no longer written to themes saved with /THEME -SAVE. The proper way to toggle inverse on a status bar is to prefix the STATUS_FORMAT* sets with ^O and optionally ^V (to enable inverse text). This is in preparation for the eventual move to EPIC5. *** News 2005/03/27 -- tabkey.dsm 0.6 - Forward/backward match cycling The tabkey module now has the ability to perform backward match cycling. In light of this change the TABKEY_CYCLE_MATCHES config variable has changed slightly. It is no longer a boolean variable but can hold one of 3 values: 0 (or ) which disables match cycling, 1 which turns on forward match cycling, or 2 which enables backward cycling. *** News 2004/08/24 -- formats.dsm 0.4 - Highlighting in actions The HIGHLIGHT feature now supports highlighting in actions, both public and private. As a result, there are 3 new format variables: ACTION_CHANNEL_HL, ACTION_CHANNEL_OTHER_HL, and ACTION_USER_HL. Theme authors will want to add these to their themes so that they are formatted properly. DarkStar 0.3 (20040814) *** News 2004/08/13 -- New function: $chnormal() This new function works just like $chops()/$chvoices()/etc. but returns only the users that are NOT +o, +h, or +v. The $nochops() function differs from this in that it returns all non-ops including half-ops and voiced users. *** News 2004/08/10 -- nickcomp.dsm 1.2 - /DSET NICK_COMPLETION_PATTERNS There is a new config variable, named NICK_COMPLETION_PATTERNS, that will allow users to better configure the behavior of nick completion in the nickcomp module. *** News 2004/07/29 -- formats.dsm 0.3 - Auto-response renamed: Highlight The auto-response feature that highlights publics when they contain certain words has been renamed to "highlight". This means that all related config and format variables have also been renamed. In most cases this just means that "AUTO_RESPONSE" becomes "HIGHLIGHT" with the exception of the AUTO_RESPONSE_STR config variable being renamed to HIGHLIGHT_LIST. All highlight related format variables are now suffixed with "_HL" instead of "_AR". There are also two new config variables for exempting specific channels and nicks from triggering a highlight. They are called HIGHLIGHT_IGNORE_CHANNELS and HIGHLIGHT_IGNORE_NICKS. *** News 2004/06/01 -- Timestamp support! $ts() I have finally added a $ts() function for use in themes to provide timestamping that can be toggled via /DSET. The related config variables are named TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT. See ds:ts(2) for more details. *** News 2004/06/01 -- $loadedmods()/$mods() now take arguments The $loadedmods() and $mods() functions provided by the core core scripts are now able to take pattern arguments just like the builtin $getsets() function. *** News 2004/05/31 -- New functions: (no)chhops/(no)chvoices We have several new functions that allow you to get a list of the current voiced or half-op users. They are called $chhops(), $nochhops(), $chvoices(), and $nochvoices(). They work just like the builtin $chops()/$nochops() functions. The $chvoices() function is the old $chanvoice() function donated by Ben Winslow. It has been renamed for consistency. *** News 2004/04/26 -- formats.dsm 0.2 - New format: SERVER_NOTICE There is a new format variable called SERVER_NOTICE that will be used to format all, yep you guessed it, server notices. *** News 2004/04/17 -- window.dsm 0.10.2 - /DSET MSG_WINDOW_LEVEL A new config variable named MSG_WINDOW_LEVEL has been added. This already existed with the old msg window code but I never bothered writing it into the new multi-server msgwin code. *** News 2003/12/11 -- Module header formats have changed The format of module headers has changed. Module header tags are now specified in the form "# : ...". This allows for any number of tags to be supported although currently there are only two: version and loader. There are two possible values for the loader tag: std and pf. The default is "std" so module authors can continue using the standard loader and won't have to reformat their scripts. *** News 2003/12/11 -- ALL SCRIPTS NOW USE PRE-FORMATTED LOADER As of this date all scripts, both core and modules, have been rewritten so that they can be loaded with EPIC's pre-formatted loader (epic4/doc/pf-loader) instead of the standard loader normally used by /LOAD. As a result, all scripts should now load about 30% faster. *** News 2003/12/11 -- window.dsm - Multi-server msg windows! The window module now supports multi-server msg windows. Now, when you connect to multiple servers and use the msg window feature, it will automatically create a msg window for each server connection and swap between them whenever you switch to a window that is connected to a different server. Multi-server operview windows coming soon! *** News 2003/12/07 -- New functions: $mods, $loadedmods() These two functions are very straightforward. The $mods() function returns a space separated list of currently available modules and the $loadedmods() function returns a list of modules that are currently loaded. They do NOT call _build_modlist to scan for new modules. *** News 2003/12/07 -- theme.dsm - /THEME -SAVE The /THEME command now has a -save option that will allow you to easily create themes from the current settings. This is the recommended way to create new themes, at least as a starting point. *** News 2003/12/05 -- New command: /PURGEARRAY This works just like the other PURGE* commands except that it operates on arrays instead of ASSIGN variables. It will remove entire structures just like its counterparts. *** News 2003/12/04 -- window.dsm - Auto-query changes The auto-query code has had many improvements (thanks to persistent pestering by larne) and should work much better now. During this rewrite, the AUTO_QUERY config variable was renamed AUTO_QUERY_WINDOW and a new config variable, named AUTO_QUERY_WINDOW_ARGS, was added. *** News 2003/12/04 -- formats.dsm - New format variables I have applied a patch provided by larne that adds several new format variables. They are SET_AMBIGUOUS, SET_CHANGE, SET_HEADER, SET_FOOTER, TOPIC_HEADER[1|2], and TOPIC_FOOTER[1|2]. See the included themes for examples. *** News 2003/12/02 -- New config variable: DOUBLE_STATUS There is a new config variable named DOUBLE_STATUS. It is responsible for toggling the DOUBLE status for all existing windows, as well as new windows, except those that have FIXED ON and SWAPPABLE OFF. *** News 2003/12/02 -- theme.dsm - Arguments to TOPIC* formats changed The arguments passed to some of the TOPIC* format variables have changed. Please have a look at the included themes to see exactly what is different. *** News 2003/11/30 -- nickmgr.dsm 0.2 - New command: /NICKMGR A new command, named /NICKMGR, has been added to provide an easier interface to modifying the NICKMGR_NICKLIST config variable. This is just like the /AUTOLOAD command. *** News 2003/11/30 -- 005 aware aliases Several aliases (including /MASSMODE, /TBAN, and /WALL) now attempt to discover the max # of targets or modes to send in a single command by looking at the data provided by the 005 numeric. *** News 2003/11/30 -- Format variables moved All of the standard formats (JOIN, PART, MSG, PUBLIC, etc.) have been moved from their respective modules to a new module named formats.dsm. This includes everything from names.dsm. All themes will have to be updated. The easiest way to do this is to manually load your old theme files and then use /THEME -SAVE to write a theme in the new format with these settings. *** News 2003/11/30 -- New function: $visiblewins() This returns a list of the refnums of all currently visible windows. *** News 2003/11/30 -- New function: $getitems() This function returns the values of a list of item numbers and/or range of numbers (e.g. 3-7) from an array. It takes an offset argument that will be added to each item number before it is retrieved, thus allowing you to map the real item numbers to any range of numbers. All non-numeric list arguments will simply be returned as is. See core/functions.dsc for details. *** News 2003/11/30 -- New functions: $getdsets(), $getfsets() These functions work just like the builtin $getsets() function. They return a space separated list of the config or format variables that match the given pattern. *** News 2003/11/30 -- New function: $chanvoice() There is a new function, donated by |Rain|, named $chanvoice(). It returns a space separated list of nicks that are voiced in the specified (or current) channel. *** News 2003/11/30 -- Add CrazyEddy's command queue system I have added the majority of CrazyEddy's command queue system to the core. This includes the /QCMD, /FQCMD, /Q1CMD, and /FQ1CMD aliases. See core/commands.dsc for details about their use. *** News 2003/11/30 -- Major overhaul of the core scripts Large parts of the core scripts have been rewritten and many things have changed. The following is a partial list of these changes. * The SAVE_VERBOSE, LOADMODULE_VERBOSE, and AUTO_LOAD_PROMPT (replaced by LOAD_PROMPT) config variables have been removed. * The /SAVE command has been rewritten and now allows modules to create special aliases (._save) that will be executed automatically whenever the settings for that module are saved. See modules/oper.dsm for an example of this in action. * The theme system has been moved out of the core and into a module named theme.dsm. The status.dsc core script has also been removed and all the statbar stuff is now part of the theme system. * The config.add and format.add aliases are now deprecated. Module authors should use the new addconfig and addformat aliases instead. * A new command, named /AUTOLOAD, has been added to provide an easier interface for modifying the module auto-load list. * The $bool_to_num() and $bool_to_onoff() functions have been renamed to $bool2num() and $bool2word(). DarkStar 0.2.12 (20031116) *** News 2003/11/10 -- oper.dsm 0.5 - Password support for challenge-response We now support password protected keys for challenge-response opering! Also, failed oper attempts (either with /OPER or /CHALLENGE) will cause the auto-challenge timer to ignore that server for 20 minutes. *** News 2003/11/07 -- window.dsm 0.9 - Changed key bindings Several changes mostly related to key bindings, including: * The Insert and Delete keys are now left alone to EPIC's defaults. * Esc + PgUp/PgDn will now scroll the "last" window (according to /WINDOW LAST). Most of the time this should be the last active split window. * The binding for the F12 key has also been changed so that it clears the "last" window instead of just the msg window. * Some hopefully unnecessary key bindings were removed so please let me know if anything breaks. * The AUTO_CREATE_WINDOWS feature should now play nicely with the operview window provided by the oper module. *** News 2003/11/06 -- channel.dsm 1.1 - New temp. ban aliases: /TEMP[BK|KB] There are two new temporary ban aliases: /TEMPBK and /TEMPKB. These are just like the /BK and /KB aliases except that the bans are placed with /TEMPBAN. *** News 2003/11/04 -- New function: $winchannels() A $winchannels() function has been added to the core. This new function will return a space separated list of all the channels belonging to a specific window. This allows different actions to be taken depending on whether or not a window has multiple channels belonging to it. This could be very useful for themes. *** News 2003/11/04 -- oper.dsm 0.4 - Take the oper challenge! I have added support for opering with the challenge-response feature present in ratbox servers and some hybrid7 servers. There are two new config variables used to control this: AUTO_CHALLENGE and CHALLENGE_RSA_RESPOND. The latter is the path to the rsa_respond binary required to generate the response. See ds:oper(3) for details. Note[1]: In order to use /CHALLENGE or AUTO_CHALLENGE, you must first add an entry to the challenge-response list for the server you wish to oper on. This can be accomplished using the -add option with /CHALLENGE. Note[2]: Currently this does not support the use of key files that are password protected, thus defeating most of the security gained through the use of challenge-response authentication. At the moment this is mostly suitable for use by people who run local test servers or small networks that don't require a lot of security. I do hope to support the use of passwords in the near future so watch this file for updates. *** News 2003/11/02 -- Goodbye seen.dsm It has been brought to my attention that the seen module, which was never mentioned in this file, isn't really a very important feature and, considering how buggy it is, should not be included in the repository and official tar file. As of this point it will no longer be distributed with the DarkStar core but will be made available in the "Extra Modules" section of the website. DarkStar 0.2.11 (20031101) *** News 2003/10/31 -- misc.dsm 1.1 - ratbox ircd whois_actually support There is a new format variable for ratbox ircd's whois_actually feature (AKA realhost). The variable is called WHOIS_REALHOST. Theme authors will want to update their themes so that it does not mess up their whois output. *** News 2003/10/31 -- oper.dsm - New config variable: OPERVIEW_LEVEL There is a new config variable to control the level of the operview window: OPERVIEW_LEVEL. This works just like the equivalent for the msg window in window.dsm. *** News 2003/10/30 -- window.dsm 0.8 - Automatically create/destroy windows Support for automatically creating or destroying windows on join/part has been added. There are 3 new config variables used to control this feature: JOIN_NEW_WINDOW, JOIN_NEW_WINDOW_ARGS, and PART_KILL_WINDOW. See ds:window(3) for details. *** News 2003/10/23 -- nickmgr.dsm 0.1 and keepnick no mo' Ahhh... At last we are rid of the cursed keepnick module. To replace it I have written a nick management module that should be a vast improvement. See ds:nickmgr(3) for details. *** News 2003/09/21 -- misc.dsm 1.0 - New format variable: SIGNOFF There is a new format variable named SIGNOFF that will format the output of signoff messages. This variable will not be used if the channel module is loaded and CHANNEL_SIGNOFF has a value. *** News 2003/09/21 -- channel.dsm 1.0 - /WALL Yay, /WALL2 Nay I finally fixed the /WALL alias and got rid of /WALL2. The method used for sending the NOTICEs will now be determined by the new config variable CHANNEL_WALL_TYPE. There are three possible types: 1 - Send a single NOTICE to @ 2 - Send NOTICEs to all +o users, seven at a time 3 - Send NOTICEs one at a time (USE WITH CAUTION) Also, the ban list headers and footers (/FSET BAN) will now be displayed even if there are no bans on the channel. This is more consistent with the client's normal behavior and should make some of the mimic themes more authentic. DarkStar 0.2.10 (20030915) *** News 2003/09/10 -- tabkey.dsm 0.4 - Renamed variable / code cleanup The TABKEY_MAX_NICKHIST config variable has been renamed. It is now called TABKEY_MAX_MSG_HISTORY. I apologize for the change but this new name is a much better representation of its actual purpose. All completion methods (except tabkey.method.variable) now use the arguments given to them instead of taking what they need from $L. This is how completion methods were originally intended to work. Most aliases now use function_return instead of /RETURN in order to avoid potential problems caused by EPIC's auto-append feature. *** News 2003/09/06 -- channel.dsm 0.8 - New alias: /ADDTOPIC There is a new alias called /ADDTOPIC that allows you to add a string of text to an existing topic separated by the value of the new ADDTOPIC_DELIMETER config variable. *** News 2003/09/05 -- channel.dsm 0.7 - /[SET]OLDTOPIC renamed/improved The /OLDTOPIC and /SETOLDTOPIC aliases have been renamed to /SETTOPIC and /TOPICS. The channel module now keeps track of an arbitrary number of topics for each channel. The number of topics to be kept is determined by the REMEMBER_TOPICS config variable. See ds:channel(3) for details. *** News 2003/09/05 -- New core command/function: /TLD, $tld() A /TLD alias has been added to take advantage of the new TLD structure. It works just like $country() in BitchX. See ds:tld(1) and ds:tld(2) for more details. *** News 2003/09/05 -- New core script: globals.dsc This new script will contain miscellaneous global variables to be used by modules. Right now this just contains a list of current top-level domains. They can be accessed through the TLD structure. *** News 2003/05/10 -- New module: memo.dsm This new module provides mechanisms to manipulate a text file of one-line memos from the client's input prompt. See ds:memo(3) for details. *** News 2003/05/10 -- channel.dsm 0.6.4 - Auto-response notify I have added a new feature called auto-response notify. When enabled, it will echo a notification to the current window whenever auto-response is triggered in another window. It is controlled by the boolean config variable AUTO_RESPONSE_NOTIFY and is not enabled by default. *** News 2003/03/05 -- oper.dsm 0.2 - operview window The oper module now includes an operview window similar to the msg window contained in the window module. This means we have three new config variables: OPERVIEW, OPERVIEW_HIDDEN, and OPERVIEW_SIZE. As a result, the default value for the MSG_WINDOW_LEVEL config variable has been changed from "msgs,opnotes,wallops" to "msgs". Anyone who uses both operview and the msg window will probably want to make this change in their saved settings as well. *** News 2003/02/18 -- tabkey.dsm 0.3.4 - Improved filename handling I have merged CrazyEddy's recent changes to tabkey.ce that provide improved handling of "evil" filenames. Unfortunately this requires EPIC4-1.1.10 with a commit_id of 464 or higher to work properly. This means that those of you still using an older client will not be able to do filename completion with this module. If you do not wish to upgrade your client but can't live without filename completion, you can copy tabkey.dsm 0.3.3 from the 0.2.9 release to your "user directory" and it will override the one in $DS.HOME. DarkStar 0.2.9 (20030212) *** News 2002/10/14 -- window.dsm 0.7.1 - Auto-query changes A new config variable named AUTO_QUERY_UPDATE has been added to control whether existing queries are updated automatically on nick changes. This means that the existing AUTO_QUERY variable now only controls the initial creation of query windows for incoming private msgs. The code that handles both of these features should now also be safe for use with multiple server connections in a single client. *** News 2002/10/07 -- misc.dsm 0.9 - New format variable: WHOIS_ADMIN Support for a new WHOIS numeric (308) has been added. This numeric is sent by Hybrid7 servers (and some modified Hyb6 servers) when the user being /WHOISed is an administrator. *** News 2002/10/06 -- New, non-recursive /LESS The /LESS file pager has been rewritten so that it uses iteration instead of recursion and should now be safe to use within other aliases, as the client will now wait for the entire file to finish outputting before moving on to the next task. *** News 2002/10/03 -- window.dsm 0.7 - Hidden msg window now supported There is a new boolean config variable named MSG_WINDOW_HIDDEN that, when true, will cause the msg window to be hidden instead of split. *** News 2002/10/02 -- New tabkey module! (based on tabkey.ce) There is a completely new tabkey module based on CrazyEddy's tabkey.ce script that is distributed with EPIC4. This new module has a better design and provides quite a few advantages over the old one. Things that differ from the old module (for users): - Cursor sensitive. Allows you to complete words anywhere on the input line. - Works with any value for $CMDCHARS. - Cycles through possible matches when the user continues to press the tab key. - Support for /HELP and /DHELP completion. - Support for /WINDOW completion. - The TABKEY_NICK_HISTORY config variable has been renamed to TABKEY_MAX_NICKHIST. - No longer controlled by "completion rules". - No /TABKEY alias. *** News 2002/09/28 -- window.dsm 0.6 - /DSET AUTO_QUERY and /WQ A new boolean config variable named AUTO_QUERY has been added. When true, all incoming msgs will cause a hidden window to be created and a query to be started with the person who sent the msg. It will also automatically update any existing queries if the user changes their nick. An alias called /WQ has also been added. It works just like the /WJ alias except that it starts a query with its argument instead of joining a channel. DarkStar 0.2.8 (20020918) *** News 2002/09/17 -- oper.dsm 0.1.2 - New format variable: WALLOP All incoming wallops will now be formatted according to the value of the WALLOP format variable. *** News 2002/09/17 -- channel.dsm 0.6.1 - New format variable: SEND_WALL The /WALL and /WALL2 aliases will now honor the SEND_WALL variable when formatting their output. *** News 2002/09/07 -- /SAVE now writes custom status file The /SAVE alias provided by the core scripts (core/save.dsc) will now write a "custom" status file to your user directory. *** News 2002/09/07 -- New theme: porphyria Added a new theme called porphyria that is being contributed by Daniel Shatter. It's a simple, single status theme with no high ASCII characters and great contrast. Very good. *** News 2002/09/06 -- darkstar theme renamed to astral, epic4 new default I have renamed the darkstar theme to astral and the epic4 theme has become the new default. People currently using the darkstar theme will need to change to the new name, of course. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes but I feel this makes more sense and will also make things easier on me in the future. *** News 2002/09/05 -- misc.dsm 0.7.8 - UnrealIRCd's WHOISBOT now supported Support for UnrealIRCd's WHOISBOT reply (numeric 335) has been added. This includes the addition of a new format variable called WHOIS_BOT, so please update your themes. :-) *** News 2002/08/31 -- channel.dsm 0.5.7 / misc.dsm 0.7.7 - SEND_ACTION* The arguments being passed to the SEND_ACTION* format variables in the misc and channel modules have changed slightly so themes will need to be updated. The sender's nick (you) is now the first argument with the target and text of the action following that. Prior to this only the target and text were sent forcing $servernick() to be used in the actual format variables in order to display the nick of the sender. This is no longer the case and all themes should be modified to reflect this change. *** News 2002/08/19 -- EPIC4-1.1.7 or higher now required Due mostly to the recent changes to /DEFER and EPIC's key binding system, versions of DarkStar after this date will now require EPIC4-1.1.7 in order to operate correctly. It is recommended that all users upgrade immediately so as to prevent any possible backdoors caused by the changes to /DEFER. *** News 2002/07/25 -- nickcomp.dsm 1.0.3 - New config variable There is a new config variable in the nickcomp module called NICK_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD. It can be used to adjust the accuracy of the nick completion. Please consult the ds:nickcomp(3) help page for details. *** News 2002/07/09 -- New function: $uh() I added the $uh() function from the guh script distributed with EPIC4 (written by Jeremy Nelson). This works just like $userhost() except it queries the server rather than trying to get the userhost from the client's cache. *** News 2002/06/19 -- Changes to WHO in the darkstar and feedback themes The WHO format variable in the darkstar and feedback themes was not properly highlighting servers with 0 hops. In the process of fixing this I was also able to greatly simplify things. Anyone with a custom theme based off either of these themes should have a look at the changes and adjust their theme(s) accordingly. *** News 2002/06/18 -- misc.dsm 0.7.4 - IGNORE_CTCP_FINGER fixed There was a typo in the raw_irc hook added at load time for IGNORE_CTCP_FINGER that caused FINGER requests to not be ignored when they should have been. *** News 2002/06/11 -- channel.dsm 0.5.5 - New edit-topic alias: /etopic Added an alias called /etopic that will allow you to edit the current topic by placing it on the input line preceded by "/topic". The /tt and /ttopic aliases point to /etopic. DarkStar 0.2.7 (20020610) *** News 2002/06/09 -- tabkey.dsm 0.7.2 The assign procedure has been renamed aliasctl and now handles completion for both assign variables and aliases. This will cause old rules that use the assign procedure to be rejected, so check your custom rules if you have any. Several new completion rules were also added to the defaults. *** News 2002/06/08 -- New config variable: AUTO_SAVE_ON_UNLOAD The name says it all. It has a boolean value that, when true, will cause a module's settings to be saved before it is unloaded. *** News 2002/06/08 -- VERBOSE_SAVE and VERBOSE_LOAD renamed The VERBOSE_SAVE and VERBOSE_LOAD config variables that are part of the core scripts have been renamed to SAVE_VERBOSE and LOADMODULE_VERBOSE. *** News 2002/06/08 -- tabkey.dsm 0.7 Changes include a /tabkey alias which provides an interface to modifying completion rules and replaces the /cleartab alias. While adding this, I also solved the annoying issues regarding rule #1 and the "" pattern. *** News 2002/06/08 -- The ChangeLog is no more I have decided to do away with the ChangeLog, mostly because CVS already does a better job of tracking changes for me, and end users don't need to know the gory details. Instead, I will use this file called UPDATES to let people know about important changes without all the technical details. Yes, this is just like the file of the same name included with EPIC4 :-). End of file.