[ This file contains all of the documented changes during the DarkStar development cycle, beginning just before the release of 0.3. Information about changes that took place before this file was created can be found in the CVS logs. This file is constructed from the KNOWNBUGS file. ] THE CHANGELOG FOR DARKSTAR -------------------------- * Remove takbkey.cmd.mhelp; /MHELP was removed in a previous commit. * Fix /MASSMODE * Make sure to reset the value of extractw when exiting tabkey.main early. * Remove $serverrefs() and replace all calls to it with calls to $myservers(). * Make sure window.msgwin.show only operates on windows that actually exist. * Use global vars to keep track of boolean config vars, instead of an array. * Require EPIC4-2.0 or higher. * Keep the list of config/format variables belonging to each module (used by /SAVE) in arrays instead of assign variables. This will hopefully fix that pesky bug that was causing certain settings to not get saved. * Change the way msg windows are named from msgs/serv:<#> to msgs/<#> * Fix missing semi-colons in /TIG alias. * Make sure to $encode() any server refnums that are being used in /ASSIGN variable names. * Prevent nickmgr.nickchange from sending more than one request at a time to a server. * Add a MSG_WINDOW_LEVEL config variable. * Make /TBAN support comma delimited lists of ban numbers. * Add context sensitive completion alias for /IG (tabkey.cmd.ig) * Fix /THEME -SAVE * Add a SIGNOFF format to all themes. * Fix the default SEND_WALL format (also in epic4 theme). * Add a SERVER_NOTICE format variable. * Add YELL hook to suppress the annoying getaddrinfo() messages. * Fix the away module so that away time is displayed properly. This was caused by a missing call to $encode() in the 305 hook. * Add $chhops(), $nochhops(), and $nochvoices(). * Rename $chanvoice() to $chvoices() for consistency. * Make $getdsets()/$getfsets() support multiple patterns like $getsets(). * Make $loadedmods() and $mods() take pattern arguments like $getsets(). * Add a $ts() function and 2 new config vars: TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT. * Fix auto-response-notify behavior with wserv windows. A notification will only be displayed for windows that are NOT visible. * Rename auto-response feature. It is now called "highlight". All config vars are now prefixed with "HIGHLIGHT" instead of "AUTO_RESPONSE" and all format vars are now suffixed with "_HL" instead of "_AR". * Add two new config vars for exempting channels/nicks from triggering a highlight: HIGHLIGHT_IGNORE_CHANNELS and HIGHLIGHT_IGNORE_NICKS. rb larne. * Add /DSET NICK_COMPLETION_PATTERNS to make nick completion more configurable. * Fix /TOPICS. You can't count down with /for x from n to n { ... }, only up. * Don't bind pgup/pgdn in window.dsc -- They are bound by default. * Add $chnormal(). * Rewrite and optimize $chhops(), $nochhops(), $chvoices(), and $nochvoices(). ------------------ DarkStar 0.3 (20040814) ------------------ * Display number of voiced users on all statbars that show user totals. * Move highlight code into formats.do_highlight alias. * Add support for highlighting in actions, public and private. * Add relay module to the default auto-load list. * Fix bug in /LESS (rb pwnt). * Make $tabkey.method.chan() attempt completion with #/& prefix if first attempt fails. * Fix a small mistake in the TOPIC_CHANGE format in the bitchx theme. rb daed. * Fix _set so that it sends the correct args to the *_HEADER/*_FOOTER formats according to type. * Fix /TOPICS so that it numbers the list of topics correctly. * Always delete the 'nickmgr' timer in nickmgr.add_timer before creating a new timer. * Add support for backward match cycling in the tabkey module. * Remove "set REVERSE_STATUS_LINE" from all themes and add '^O' to the beginning of all STATUS_FORMAT* sets. * Do not write the value of REVERSE_STATUS_LINE when saving themes. * Change the SEND_PUBLIC format in the epic4 theme to show the target. * Fix the /LEAVE alias for EPIC5 (It now uses //PART). * Don't set the NAMES_SORT_BY_MODE config variable within themes. * Change the default value of AUTO_CREATE_WINDOWS to 0. * Fix /THEME -SAVE so it writes settings to unset variables with no value. * Add all the win* functions from the builtins script included with EPIC5. * Add aliases for /ADDSET and /DELSET (EPIC5 only) * Add key binding for Esc-Tab in tabkey.dsm that does backward match cycling. * Remove Esc-Tab key binding in window.dsm. * Remove the TABKEY_CYCLE_MATCHES config variable. * Add global variable named LEVELS containing all valid window levels. * Use new LEVELS variable in tabkey.cmd.ignore and tabkey.cmd.window. * Add hook to ensure AUTO_CREATE_WINDOWS can only be set to an integer value. * Fix a bug in the auto-query code which caused it to bomb out when the server refnum was 0. * Check for the existence of $uh() before attempting to use it in $tabkey.method.mask(). * Add server* functions from the latest round of updates to BlackJac's builtins script from EPIC5. * Add format variables for the KNOCK feature present on EFNet servers. * Add KNOCK formats for the astral, feedback, and epic4 themes. * Add nickcomp theme files for all themes. * Add KNOCK formats for the bitchx, echoes, porphyria, and scrollz themes. * Display client version warning for EPIC5 users. * Add /C command as an alias to /CMODE. ------------------ DarkStar 0.3.1 (20050425) ------------------ * Fix a bug where the TOPIC_UNSET format would be used instead of TOPIC_CHANGE when a topic was set to "0". * Fix a bug in /LOADMOD that was preventing "/LOADMOD *" from working. * Make /AUTOLOAD deal with being passed "*" in its list of modules. * Fix SERVER_NOTICE format in the bitchx, echoes, and scrollz themes. * Add tabkey msg history entry for "no server" (-1) on DCC CHAT. * Fix F12 key binding (clear msgwin) on vt100 terminals. * Changing the value of /DSET MSG_WINDOW_SIZE now resizes existing msg windows. * Fixed tabkey module to work with EPIC5 dword change. * Added new functions from builtins script: myservers, notifywindows, servports, winline, winsize. * Fixed $getdsets(), $getfsets(), $loadedmods() and $mods() with EPIC5. * tabkey.dsm now works without /xdebug dword in EPIC5. * The LEAVE format has been renamed to PART. ------------------ DarkStar 0.4.0 (20070420) ------------------ * Added 4 new core functions: $igmask(), $igtype(), $rigmask() and $rigtype(). * Added scripted versions of the old xform functions: encode, decode, urlencode, urldecode, b64encode, b64decode, sedcrypt, sha256. * Fix for using $match() with a quoted pattern in tabkey.dsm and formats.dsm. * Reverted previous change to tabkey.dsm involving $match() and /xdebug dword * Change tabkey.default to call $tabkey.method.nickchannotify(). * Fix for $tabkey.method.notify(). * Changed msg/notice formats in feedback theme. * Added BlackJac's history script to core scripts. * Removed help.dsc * Removed memo module * Changed default of /SET LOAD_PROMPT to OFF. ------------------ DarkStar 0.4.1 (20090214) ------------------ * Added /INSPECTARRAY to debug module. * Added BlackJac's newnick script from EPIC5 (requested by Kanan) * Added /DSET TABKEY_MSGHIST_SENT_ONLY to tabkey module (requested by Kanan) * Added /FREE and /HOLD aliases to window module (requested by Kanan) * Added /RE alias to misc module (requested by Kanan) * Added /DSET AWAY_LOG_ALWAYS (boolean) to away module (requested by Kanan) * Attempt to load dsrc file after modules load instead of before * Fix tab comp for /WHOIS - call $tabkey.method.nick() only * Removed the calls to $tabkey.method.chan() in the nickchan and nickchannotify methods. Instead we do our own channel matching in those methods to avoid the # and & prefixes being added automatically. This fixes a bug where mixed lists of channels and nicks were being returned to tabkey.main and causing the call to $prefix() to return no results. (Discovered by CrazyEddy) * Moved msg handler out of tabkey.default and into tabkey.main. * Defer call to formats.echo in send_msg hook in formats.dsm. This fixes a bug with the auto_query_window feature in window.dsm in which the sent msg would display in the current window before the new query window was created. * Fix /TBAN when removing more than 4 bans. * Added /WSB (alias: /?) and /WSF cmds for /WINDOW SEARCH_{BACK|FORWARD} ------------------ DarkStar 0.4.2 (20111019) ------------------ End of file.