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#$EPIC: wait.txt,v 1.5 2006/08/30 19:28:30 sthalik Exp $


wait [for] [%<process>]|[-cmd <command>]
wait for =<fd>


WAIT is a convenient means for executing a series of commands and ensuring that those commands are run in the desired sequence. The command can make the client wait for the completion of server or subprocess output.

Use of WAIT is almost always avoidable, see section Other Notes below.

The simplest form is WAIT with no arguments. When run after a server query, the client will not execute further commands (within an alias; does not apply to the input line) until all server output has been received.

If used as /wait for, it will execute the command, and halt until a server reply is detected.

When waiting on an EXECed subprocess, the client will block until the subprocess has completed. This effectively disables the the entire client (and can even cause it to ping timeout from the server).

The last form allows for a series of commands to be executed in no particular order. This is most useful when a particular command needs to be issued, but subsequent commands don't rely on its contents or timing.

When waiting on an EXECed subprocess _with_ a -cmd option, the command will return immediately, and the command will be executed when the process finishes. This will be as if the EXEC command had been given a -end flag with the same command.

WAIT for =fd waits for a DCC or $connect identified by fd to be completed.


  1. cmd <commands> execute the given commands at the end of the alias/exec.


To add a header and footer to a channel's ban list:

    alias banlist {
       echo *** Begin ban list for #blah (generated $stime($time()))
       mode #blah +b
       echo *** End ban list for #blah

To run a subprocess, and wait before doing anything else:

    alias localusers {
       echo *** Getting list of local users...
       exec -name who who
       wait %who
       echo *** Finished subshell `who' listing

The second command will actually finish before the first:

    alias backwards {
       wait -cmd echo this appears last
       echo this appears first

Known Issues:

WAIT turns a non-blocking operation into a blocking one. This is almost always a bad idea, as it prevents the client from doing other things. At best, it is inefficient, at worst it can completely lock up the client. Use with care, and avoid if possible.

Other Notes:

If multiple WAITs are pending at once, they will all return once the last one is completed, to ensure that no data is lost.

Using WAIT for server queries is useful. However, there are often times then it is not the most efficient way to do something. When possible, hooking server numerics that marks the end of a message is preferred, as it is generally more reliable.

Using wait(5) or wait(5) for and /redirect is a Bad Thing™, so don't do it.