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#$EPIC: tcl_command.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/20 03:54:29 jnelson Exp $


tcl {tcl statement}


If the client was linked with an embedded tcl interpreter, the tcl statement shall be executed by tcl. If the client was not linked against tcl, then no action shall take place.

Although every tcl statement resolves to a (tcl) value, that value is discarded when you run it this way.

If the tcl statement has an error, the result is undefined, but usually an error message is output to the window.

Remember that the insides of {}s are protected from ircII expansion, so if you want to pass ircII values into your tcl script, you do best to export the value to tcl using $tcl function() first. The insides of the {} should be a literal segment of tcl code.

You can call back to EPIC from tcl with these commands:

[epic cmd string] Run string as a block without $ expansion.
[epic eval string] Run string as a block with $ expansion. The value of $* is the empty string
[epic expr string] Evalulate string as an expression, and return the result.
[epic call string] Call string where string looks like “func(args)”, returning the result. The value of $* is the empty string.
[echo …] Output something through the client.
[tkon] Turn on the Tk system. You must call this before calling any Tk commands.


Someone want to give me some examples?


The tcl command first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8