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# $EPIC: on_channel_lost.txt,v 1.4 2012/07/04 06:30:23 jnelson Exp $


on [<modes>]channel_lost [<serial#>] [-|^]<match> { <action> }


Triggered whenever you leave a channel.


This event is thrown whenever your membership in a channel ends for any reason whatsoever.

The most common causes of losing your channel membership are part, kick, disconnect, and being disconnected by the server.


$0 The server refnum
$1 The channel name
$2 The window refnum

It is expected that $3- will be used in the future to include a reason. This is not supported yet. Just be prepared for forward compatability.

Default Behavior:

If you don't suppress this event, the client does not do anything.



This first appeared in EPIC5-0.3.2. The use of $2 for the window refnum first appeared in EPIC5-2.1.6