Command Line Usage of EPIC5

There are a number of command line options available. The basic command-line syntax is:

 epic5 [<switches>] [<nickname> [<server list>]]

The nickname may be at most 30 characters long. The server list may be a space-delimited list of server descriptions. Each server name may use the server:port notation if a port other than the default (usually 6667) is desired. The available switches are as follows:

-a Adds default servers and command line servers to server list.
-b Runs EPIC in 'bot mode' in the background.
-c <chan> Join <chan> once connected to the server.
-d Runs EPIC in 'dumb mode' – no fancy screen
-f Tells EPIC that your terminal will handle flow control.
-F Tells EPIC to handle your flow control.
-h Prints a small help message that shows these options.
-H <host> Use virtual <host> as your default hostname.
-l <file> Loads <file> instead of default ~/.epicrc.
-L <file> Loads <file> instead of default ~/.epicrc.
-n <nick> Uses <nick> as your default nickname.
-o Allow terminal IEXTEN handling (terminal eats ^V and ^O
-O Disable terminal IEXTEN handling (terminal doesn't eat ^V and ^O)
-p <port> Uses the <port> you specify as the default port.
-q Tells EPIC not to load your ~/.epicrc.
-s The client will not connect to a server on startup.
-v Print the version of EPIC and then exit.
-x Run in full X_DEBUG mode.
-z <user> Uses <user> as your default username.

Because the client uses getopt(3), you can combine these options in any way that is considered normal for your operating system.