# $EPIC: window_topline.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/20 18:32:13 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[window]] toplines "[]" ======Description:====== This operation changes the th [[window topline|topline]] of a window to . Because each window has 9 toplines, must be a value from 1 to 9. You can always change a topline even if the topline is not visible. If is a hyphen, then the topline is cleared. ======Example:====== /WINDOW TOPLINES 1 /WINDOW TOPLINE 1 "This will be at the top of the window" /WINDOW TOPLINE 2 "This will not be visible!" /WINDOW TOPLINE 1 - ======History:====== This operation first appeared in EPIC5-0.0.3