# $EPIC: tr.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/20 17:37:08 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__tr__(///) ======Technical:====== This function "translates" the input characters to the output characters in the given string. Input and output characters are paired up in the order they are specified in (first-first, second-second, etc.). If there are more input than output, the last output character will replace any input characters that do not have a corresponding output character. Any of the arguments may be variables or literal strings. The delimiter does not need to be a '/'; it may be any character not found in the input or output characters. ======Practical:====== This function is useful for doing very simple text encoding, such as ROT13. It is also useful for stripping out unwanted characters from untrusted sources (such as shell meta characters). ======Returns:====== "translated" string ======Examples:====== /* assume $oldc is "aeiouy" and $newc is "yuoiea" */ $tr(/s/z/efnet has bots) returns "efnet haz botz" $tr(/$oldc/$newc/efnet has bots) returns "ufnut hys bits" $tr(/$oldc/_/efnet has bots) returns "_fn_t h_s b_ts" $tr(/abc//blah blah) effectively the same as $strip() $tr(#a#e#blah) returns "bleh"