#$EPIC: tcl_command.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/20 03:54:29 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[tcl_command|tcl]] {//tcl statement//} ======Purpose:====== If the client was linked with an embedded tcl interpreter, the //tcl statement// shall be executed by tcl. If the client was not linked against tcl, then no action shall take place. Although every //tcl statement// resolves to a (tcl) value, that value is discarded when you run it this way. If the //tcl statement// has an error, the result is undefined, but usually an error message is output to the window. Remember that the insides of {}s are protected from ircII expansion, so if you want to pass ircII values into your tcl script, you do best to export the value to tcl using $[[tcl function]]() first. The insides of the {} should be a literal segment of tcl code. You can call back to EPIC from tcl with these commands: |[epic cmd string] | Run //string// as a [[block]] without $ expansion. | |[epic eval string] | Run //string// as a [[block]] with $ expansion. The value of $* is the empty string | |[epic expr string] | Evalulate //string// as an expression, and return the result. | |[epic call string] | Call //string// where //string// looks like "func(args)", returning the result. The value of $* is the empty string. | |[echo ...] | Output something through the client. | |[tkon] | Turn on the Tk system. You must call this before calling any Tk commands. | ======Examples:====== Someone want to give me some examples? ======History:====== The [[tcl command]] first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8