# $EPIC: silence.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/20 16:57:01 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== __silence__ [[+|-]] __silence__ [] ======Description:====== __SILENCE__ is a server extension available on undernet servers. Its purpose is similar to [[IGNORE]], and acts as a complement, and not a replacement to [[IGNORE]]. When you __SILENCE___ someone, every server on the network is told that you do not want to receive any messages from that person. Whenever that person tries to send you any more messages, his local server will drop the message directly at the source. This saves you the trouble of having to receive the message and process it with [[IGNORE]], and it saves the network the resources of sending a message that you do not want. This technique can be very effective against flooders. If you do not provide an argument to __SILENCE__ your current silence list will be shown. The argument of __SILENCE__ may be a plus ('+') or a minus ('-') followed by a full nick!user@host pattern which is of the same composition as a ban ([[MODE]] +b), except that at least one '*' wildcard must be used. If the prefix is a plus, the pattern is added to your silence list. If the prefix is a minus, the pattern is removed from your silence list. The argument of __SILENCE__ may be the nickname of another irc user. You will be shown that user's silence list. This can be useful in case you wanted to know if you or someone else are being silenced by that person. This command will only work on servers with the __SILENCE__ extension (mostly undernet servers) and the number of entries in your __SILENCE__ list is limited, usually to 5 entries. __SILENCE__ is not a replacement for [[IGNORE]] since [[IGNORE]] offers finer-grained control and is not limited in size. ======Options:====== + add a pattern to your silence list - remove a pattern from your silence list ======Examples:====== To add someone to your silence list: /silence +*!*jerk@*.moron.org To remove someone from your silence list: /silence -*!*friend@*.bestbuds.com To see the silence list for FooBar: /silence foobar ======Restrictions:====== This command is limited to Undernet-based servers (i.e. it won't work on EFnet).