======Synopsis:====== [[set]] lastlog_level [[-] [[-] ...]] ======Description:====== This setting controls the type(s) of information that EPIC will store in its lastlog buffer. Any single message type, or any combination, may be used. If a type is prepended with a '-', messages of that type are explicitly not saved (useful with the ALL type). Message types may be abbreviated unambiguously. ======Options:====== |action |public and private [[CTCP ACTION]] messages | |ctcp |[[CTCP]] messages (except ACTION and DCC) | |dcc |[[DCC]] messages | |invite |[[INVITE]] messages | |join |[[JOIN]] messages | |kick |[[KICK]] messages | |mode |channel [[MODE]] changes | |msgs |[[MSG]] messages | |nick |nickname changes | |notes |[[NOTE]] messages (not supported on all servers) | |notice |[[NOTICE]] messages | |opnote |operator broadcast messages | |part |[[PART]] messages | |public |public channel messages | |quit |[[QUIT]] messages | |snote |anything hooked by the [[on SERVER_NOTICE|SERVER_NOTICE]] hook | |syserr |system error messages | |topic |channel topic changes | |userlog1 - 4 |reserved for the user (available with [[XECHO]]) | |walls |WALL messages (deprecated, no servers support it) | |wallop |[[on WALLOP|WALLOP]] messages | |other |everything else (channel joins/parts, mode changes...) | |all |all of the above | |none |none of the above | ======Examples:====== To log everything except server and operator notices: /set lastlog_level all -opnotes -snotes ======Bugs:====== Message type names may only be abbreviated when including the type. The full name must be given when excluding the type with a '-'.