# $EPIC: numlines.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/01 05:36:58 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__numlines__( ) ======Technical:====== This function tells you the number of lines that the given string would occupy after final display in a window with a width of . ======Practical:====== This function can be used to determine how many lines a particular string will occupy in particular window. One thing this could be used for is scripting a file pager that will correctly pause between each screen of output, regardless of long lines and [[SET]] [[set CONTINUED_LINE|CONTINUED_LINE]]|[[set INDENT|INDENT]]. ======Returns:====== number of lines will occupy if displayed in a window with a width of , or nothing on error. ======Examples:====== $numlines(6 foo bar baz) returns 2 $numlines($word(0 $geom()) foo bar baz) probably returns 1 $numlines(foo bar baz) returns nothing ======Notes:====== This does NOT take into account [[SET]] [[set OUTPUT_REWRITE|OUTPUT_REWRITE]] so you may want to turn it off before outputting anything that may depend on $numlines() being accurate.