# $EPIC: match.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 05:15:58 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__match__( ) ======Technical:====== * If the argument is omitted the empty string is returned. * contains zero or more space separated "extended words" * Each word in is taken as literal text, and each are matched against . * If none of the words in are matched by , then the return value of __match__ is 0 (zero). * Otherwise, the return value is the index of the first word in that is matched by , COUNTING FROM ONE, AND NOT COUNTING FROM ZERO. * It is important to remember that other word functions, such as $[[word]]() count from zero. You must subtract one from the return value of this function before you can use it in some other functions. * If does not contain any wildcards, you should use the $[[findw]]() function instead. * If contains only one word, you should use the =~ operator instead. ======Practical:====== This function can be used to match a pattern against a list of words to see if any of them match. Since ircII does not include the =~ operator, this was the standard way to do pattern matching of one pattern to one string in scripts. Also, since ircII does not include the [[findw]] function, this was the standard way to determine if a literal word was present in a literal word list. In many cases, the __match__ function has been superseded by other functions that do the job better. ======Returns:====== 0 no matches found >0 index to first match in list -- counting from one! ======Examples:====== $match(*oo* blah foo booya) returns 2 $match(*oo* blah fubar erf) returns 0 ======History:====== This function first appeared in ircII-2.1.5