# $EPIC: isdigit.txt,v 2006/07/11 04:57:43 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__isalpha__() \\ $__isdigit__() ======Technical:====== These function test whether the first character in the given string is an alphabetical character or a digit. Only the first character is tested. ======Practical:====== These functions are useful for testing an input string to see whether it is a number or a text string. One use for this might be to check if it would be suitable input for $[[iptoname]]() or $[[nametoip]](). Keep in mind that only the first character is tested, so this isn't a reliable way to see if the entire string is a number. ======Returns:====== "true" or "false" value if first character is a letter or a digit ======Examples:====== $isalpha(hello) returns true $isalpha(2hello) returns false $isdigit(123) returns true $isdigit(2abc) returns true $isdigit(a123) returns false