# $EPIC: ischannel.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 03:40:36 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__ischannel__() ======Technical:====== * This function returns 1 if is a valid channel name, and 0 if it is not a valid channel name. * A channel is "valid" if it begins with the plus character, ('+'), the hash character ('#'), the ampersand ('&'), or the bang ('!'). * This function does **NOT** tell you whether or not a channel exists. ======Practical:====== Some scripts like to prefix the # character to a channel name if you try to join a channel that isn't valid, as a shortcut. Such as: alias join (channel, ...) { if (ischannel($channel)) { //join $channel $* } else { //join #$channel $* } } ======Returns:====== 1 if the argument is a valid name for a channel 0 if not. ======Examples:====== $ischannel(#blah) returns true $ischannel(&blah) returns true $ischannel(blah) returns false ======History:====== This function first appeared in ircII-2.2pre1