# $EPIC: igetitem.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/27 04:57:37 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__igetitem__( ) ======Technical:====== This function fetches a data item in the given array based on the index number. The index number is the position of the item based on its sorted-order. Remember that array items sort case-sensitive. Index 0 is the first item, in sorted order, whereas ${numitems()-1} is the last item, in sorted order. Normally this operation is instantaneous, because arrays are always kept sorted. But if you use [[delitems]] or [[usetitem]], the array can become unsorted, and is resorted the next time you fetch an item. ======Practical:====== These functions are used to get an item in an array. The applications for these function should be obvious. The $[[igetitem]]() function, in particular, is useful for showing an array's contents in alphabetical order. ======Returns:====== array item data, or empty string if array or item is not found ======History:====== This function first appeared in "plus 3" (post-ircII, pre-EPIC).